AirGradient Forum

Are these PM2.5 readings dropping to zero real?

I can’t tell if my PM2.5 readings are not recording or if they are zero:

I noticed that there is no data (no green bars) at certain times on the graph, whereas at some times like the one I am hovering over, a zero reading still has a green bar.

Is this behavior correct?

Note that I have a a sensor from one the batches that require a correction factor:


This is a bug. We are working to fix it. I believe an update should be available middle of next week.

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Thanks! Also, I could have sworn I read somewhere that when using the correction factors (PMS5003_20240104 in my case), the correction factor would only apply to the numbers shown on the dashboard and not the numbers on the display on the physical unit. I can’t find this article though. Is this still the case or has it been updated (or did I just misread something and this was never the case)?

With the latest firmware, it is also applied on the display.


Any updates on the new firmware?

The newest firmware should have this already fixed.

I am currently running 3.1.21 and still see this:

Are there patch notes?

This has not been updated in a very long time it seems.

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FWIW, @elin mine looks like it drops to 0 in the Air Gradient App too. But I think it is correct.

This is during late night hours where we’re all sleeping and not moving around near the AirGradient. I do also have several air filters running in my basement so it is possible that the reading is close to 0.

Aribtirarily choosing between 4 and 5 AM where I see 0 numbers in the dashboard, querying locally with my script does show it’s pretty close to 0 throughtout that hour. I would call those 1-1.5 ppm readings within margin of error for the sensor.

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Yes we discussed this today internally. Since we have OTA functionality, we don’t always need to update the latest fw version on the wesbsite. We will make this more clear and then refer to the release page on our github.

@Achim_AirGradient For me it’s more about knowing the differances between versions as I receive updates, not access to the software. Those are independant things.

If nothing else, just link this page in that one? But even there it is confusing, There are several version between 3.1.13 → 3.1.21 not listed, including 3.1.21. I shouldn’t have to dig through PRs and backcheck dates to see what is going on, and most users don’t even know what that means.

It would be nice if someone non-technical could just write basic summary statements is all I am asking :slight_smile: Releases · airgradienthq/arduino · GitHub @Samuel_AirGradient is a busy bee and seems like a one-man-band doing it all!

Yes I agree. We need to get a bit better with the travestierend of the firmware releases. Work in progress.