Are there firmware updates happening for DIY Pro boards?

As far as I know we never advertised them to work with local home assistant but if some of our description is unclear please put the link here and I am more than happy to correct / clarify it.

It was definitely mentioned in a number of places, however I may have misinterpreted how this was achieved. For example the current Indoor ONE webpage states

“This gives you complete ownership and freedom of your data, and our community has built several extensions to existing data platforms like Home Assistant (ESPHome)”

So perhaps it was always intended you flash the device with ESPhome to achieve this and it is not possible with the AirGradient firmware natively.

Thank you. Speaking solely for myself, I care about two features:

  1. Home Assistant integration
  2. Online updates, so I don’t need to open my box and plug-in to my computer.

And really, once #1 works I don’t care much about #2. I just don’t love unscrewing metal screws from the soft plastic housing repeatedly as it feels like it degrades a bit every time.

I have a DIY Pro 3.7 PCB.

Is there any way I can make it compatible with the 3.1.1 firmware?

Replace the D1 ESP8266 with ESP32?



I have 2 units of DIY Pro 3.7 PCB, I bought the ESP32 D1 module already.
Actually the PCB 3.7 is missing some hardware components such as watch dog module, so I do not sure it will be work.
I am looking of the answer from Airgradient too.


I don’t expect the 3.1.1 firmware to work with a replacement module ESP32 that is in the D1 pinout. I expect the Arduino code is going to use the pin numbers for the SMD ESP32-C3 chip, but the D1 pinout version will have different pin numbers.

I know the ESPHome version wouldn’t work with what is out there now, since the ESP32 based config have different pins from the D1 Mini based version, but it needs to be compiled for the proper chip. It could be done, but I haven’t got the chip, and haven’t tried it.

Yes 3.1.1 will not work on it directly but as mentioned above we are working on a version that would at least bring some partial support of the new software features.


Very much looking forward to this. Left my airgradient unscrewed in anticipation.

Thanks, I really appreciate the effort!

@Henri @Cantos @jfitzell
Just a quick update from our firmware developer who currently works on implementing the new features for the old hardware that he makes good progress and we might have the first test versions available end of next week.

Could you help us testing?

Hi @Achim_AirGradient, as a general rule I’m very happy to beta test etc, but unless it’s possible to get to OTA upgrades then unfortunately it’s not really practical because I not only need to take the monitor offline but need to unscrew the case every time so that I can get to the internal USB port and button. If an OTA upgrade becomes possible then very happy to test it/future updates. At the moment (with case on) I’m running Malloc’s espHome firmware so I assume that switching back to stock will require USB access even if it can be OTA after that?

Very good news! I’m happy to beta test once HA integration works but can’t commit to doing frequent manual updates given how inconvenient it is to do so. If you can get OTA updates working of course I’d use that.

That is correct, to switch from ESPHome to Arduino, you would still need to open the case

@Achim_AirGradient I would be willing to test with some of my D1 Mini based devices as well. All of mine are only taped together as I find the screws incredibly cumbersome due to their non-standard head and very small size that I’m worried about stripping the plastic, so a bit of painters tape hold the sides together so it is less of a hassle to open the case.

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Heyo @Achim_AirGradient ,

I own a trusty DIY Pro 4.2 and would be happy unscrew my housing and to test some new FW if needed. :slight_smile:


I have some spare D1 Mini modules, so can more easily test new FW.
And also have my case taped together for easy access…

Just seeing this convo and want to say a few things…

@Achim_AirGradient appreciate your dialogue with all of us here and willingness to hear feedback. I don’t agree with the tone used, it’s not fair to you and the team that has provided so much at such an affordable cost, and I think it’s probably due to expectations mismatch. I never expected more than the device to work as it did the day I assembled it, though I would be happy for new features. (Manual calibration would be my top one!)

After all, we are talking about a device with “DIY” in the name. I was pleasantly surprised and thankful we still have dashboard access!

I do agree it would probably be good to set clearer expectations around support and updates.

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Thank you for your thoughts.

I think part of our job is to manage expectations and I agree we need to put more information out about maintenance.

We actually created a document on this recently:

Yes, we do have limitations on the resources we can put into this but I really understand the frustrating of the people that bought our first versions. Especially as to a big extent these early adaptors brought us to where we are today. So I am immensely thankful to all of them.

The good news is that just over the last week we made really good progress on supporting the older versions.

We are stuck at one main issue which is mDNS discovery on the ESP8266 but pretty much all the other functionality (except OTA) is now available on 4.2/3.7.

It’s not officially released yet for testing. But the latest version can be pulled from GitHub and actually works really well:


Fantastic! Did your devs get integrated updates working? If not, I’ll probably jump in on beta 2 or so.

No. OTA is not supported. But besides mDNS discovery that is I think the only missing piece.

Reason is that it requires quite a lot of resources from our backend developers that we currently just don’t have available.

Our OTA server has a lot of features like partial roll outs, firmware detection etc. so every new firmware type is not easy to implement.

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@Jonatan @MallocArray @rhermsen @Henri @jfitzell
First beta test version is available for board 4.2. The other boards will follow soon.

You can find details in this new topic:

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