AirGradient One V9 Resets

Hello all,

I have received my AirGradient One V9 Upgrade kit, and flashed it with the latest firmware on the website. I notice that the device is quite often sporadically rebooting. Is this a known issue? Anything I can do about it? (I am using it without WiFi at the moment, so I need to always wait through the timeout at the beginning of its execution.)

Thank you in advance,

Yes its normal if you dont use WiFi because the hardware watchdog timer fires only after successful transmission to the website.
This is something we will change in the next update and then it should also work offline stable.

Thank you, @Achim_AirGradient! Mind if I ask you something else that wasn’t clear to me: is the current production version making use of the arduino or the arduino-ng repository at this point? (Is the latter ready for public use at this point with the One V9?)

Current is “arduino”

“Arduino-ng” is still being developed