AirGradient Forum

AirGradient ONE - LED strip skewing temperature

I received a ONE v9 a few weeks ago and the temperature readings have always skewed very high. Consistently >25C in a room that’s rarely above 20C, confirmed by other thermometers nearby. Figuring it might be a firmware issue I flashed the latest today. While doing so I noticed the LED bar was generating quite a large amount of heat, so I disabled it and the temperature readings are dropping into a much more reasonable range - waiting to see if they settle further as they are still quite unreasonably high, but much improved. Is there any way to account for the heat of the LEDs? Or is this a design flaw and the bar should just be left off.

The unit is mounted on its feet on a table with nothing obstructing its vents, well away from walls and any potential other heat sources.

It should not be that much off.

Did you receive the kit or the fully assembled unit? If the kit please make sure you put the temperature sensor module into the slot of the bottom of the pcb and the TVOC module at the top.

I thought I followed the instructions correctly but I guess not. I did indeed have the sensors flipped. Thank you!

Please report back how the temperature compares after you have flipped them. Probably need to wait a few hours to make sure they get into their balance.

It would be interesting to see the improvement.

Also make sure you have it vertical, either hanging on a wall or using the included stands. I used to have mine laying flat on a table and it threw off the temps significantly.

It’s in exact agreement with the nearby thermometers now, with the LEDs reenabled. Thank you for so quickly pointing out my mistake!

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