AirGradient Forum

AirGradient ONE Indoor Monitor tempature is off by 6 degrees F.

Purchased an AirGradient One Indoor Monitor (I-9PSL) kit in October, came running firmware version 3.1.9. I noticed that the temperature was off when new and it has not changed. It is off by about 6º F. I’ve compared it with five other digital thermometers (three different brands), all of which are within 0.3º F of each other. Is there anyway to calibrate it or replace the sensor? Thank you!

Was it pre-assembled or one you put together yourself?

If you assembled it, ensure that the temperature sensor is in the bottom location and not the top, which often happens accidentally.

Also make sure your sensor is standing up using the provided feet, or mounted to a wall. If it is laying on its back, it can skew the readings.

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You were exactly right - I assembled the kit and had accidentally swapped the temperature sensor with the TVOC/NOx sensor. I correct them and it is reading accurately. Thank you!

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