AirGradient Forum

After i flashed the latest firmware, the screen goes dark after booting

Once i updated the firmware, now when i boot the device, it no longer shows the stats on the display.
I went to the UI and turned it on, but it will not go on.

WHy is this? This is the most important feature. I use it in the room.
The screen hardware works, because it displays “Press to test LEDs” when booting.

I get a script error when trying to save display brightness.
main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘id’)
at n.subscribe.controlLedBrightnessDay [as _next] (default~modules-admin-admin-module~modules-main-views-dashboard-module-es2015.3dd06561ae573e09fe08.js:1:104301)
at d.__tryOrUnsub (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:330041)
at (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:329262)
at c._next (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:328433)
at (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:328207)
at s._next (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:1937960)
at (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:328207)
at s._next (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:2173541)
at (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:328207)
at d.notifyNext (main-es2015.462a10f70932a042bac6.js:1:229872)

Hi Noair,

There is indeed an issue in the console. Thank you, we will address it.
However, the configuration should still be saving.

Regarding you issue with firmware, could you please contact us at
Mention Yehor Petrov (me) to handle your request.

Thank you!

So i ended up pressing the button when prompted. Somehow it got into offline mode. Pressed to return to online mode. Then the screen lit up.
But when i tried on web, just got the error and it was not working.

I have a similar issue. I have 3 indoor monitors with the same settings for all 3. Two of them the screen goes black, but one the screen stays on all the time, and I can’t seem to figure out why. :man_shrugging:

Any chance you integrated any of them with Home Assistant?
In the past, adding to HA changes the configuration from Cloud to Local and I’m not sure if it is still doing it. Once it switches to local, it won’t use the schedule from the Dashboard settings. You could possibly have HA turn off the display, or change it back to Cloud control so it used the Cloud Dashboard configuration.

Good call. I did add them to Home Assistant and I am still very much new to Home Assistant in general. Can you have them show up in Home Assistant but still have the Cloud control from the Air Gradient Dashboard settings?

When it boots, screen will say “press for led test”. Dont press then. Next it will say “press to go to online mode” ( or something like that) then you need to be ready to press the button in the back. There is a hole for a small screwdriver. If you miss it, unplug and try again.

I never did home assistant. I only use the display and web interface.

Yes, you can have them in HA and still have Cloud control. In Home Assistant, go to Settings>Devices and Services>Under AirGradient, select Devices. Select the device you want (if you have multiple)

Under Configuration, change it to Cloud and that should be it:


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Worked perfectly thank you!