AirGradient Forum

Accuracy of PMS5003 Between Two New AG One V9 Devices

I just setup two new pre-built AirGradient One V9 devices with relative ease and let them start collecting data in two different rooms. I became very concerned when one of the rooms reported massive PM 0.3 values (in the 4k-5k ranges) and was vastly different from the other device. After playing around with air purifiers and windows, I put both devices right next to each other to see if both were reading the same values. After nearly an hour of running next to each other the values never aligned (for PM 0.3). Other measurements seem to be aligned within the margin of error. Attached below is the difference being seen. Should I blow some canned air through the sensor? Not sure how to resolve the discrepancy or did I just get a faulty device (and if so which one is faulty???). Any help on next steps would be greatly appreciated.

We have test reports for all pre build devices. Can you please pm me the serial numbers and I will check how they passed our internal concentration tests.

Sure thing. Though it seems I don’t have permission to PM people yet. Looking around for the envelope icon on your name isn’t shown.

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I’ve submitted the support form. You should have them. Thanks again