The default Arduino code gets a sensor reading from the PMS5003 device every 5 seconds.
ESPHome out of the box gets a reading every second.
Others have proposed increasing the update_interval to 2-5 minutes or more to extend the life of the sensor (Mentioned here as possibly be 8000 hours although I didn’t see that in the Datasheet)
PMSX003 Particulate Matter Sensor — ESPHome
There has also been some question about if the higher intervals would impact the accuracy of readings from the sensor of it only spins up the fans every 2 minutes for a reading and then stops them again.
I’m also not sure if the lack of the fan spinning would have any impact on readings of other sensors in the AirGradient (heat convection, or general air movement)
It would be interesting to see some comparisons of readings as far as overall accuracy is concerned between a device with 1-10 second readings, 2 minute readings, and 5+ minute readings.
If there is no significant change in accuracy, only in number of measurements, then I have no problem with the longer intervals, but don’t want unforeseen impacts of that change.