AirGradient Forum

502 Bad Gateway on monitor api page

502 Bad Gateway

trying to log into the dashboard and get an nginix error


We experience some server outage and working on fixing it but it might take a few hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Great thank you. just making sure you knew !

Cheers :slight_smile:

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I noticed this about 12 hrs ago… all our sensors (four) were trying to connect, and are showing all offline.

Ah, so this is why mine was still in Nighttime mode earlier today

Yes, same here. I wouldn’t have expected this behavior for servers being down, would it be possible for the OLED on/off function on the schedule to be local vs server dependent?

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It’s resolved now :tada:. Thanks guys!

Sorry for the outage. We recently moved to a dedicated cluster on Hetzner that should actually improve performance and redundancy but there are still some teething problems. However, I expect this to be temporary and then have a much more solid performance.


We’re also getting the Bad Gateway 502 message.
is this the same issue?
ours was working yesterday.

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Experiencing the same issues here

Also seeing the same issue, for about an hour or so (~5pm GMT)
The new server system seems to have more outages than the old system?


Same issue for couple hours now.
Also, seems that without connection to cloud, some configuration related to LED and screen brightness during night time is not persistent. I had to switch off device in baby’s room.

I was able to get the Dashboard to load and my graphs have some gaps, but none in the last 5 hours

Same issues here for the last five hours

Same here. Monitor is in Austria, Wien.

I am also still experiencing this issue for the last week or two

Had this issue yesterday and now again today.

We encountered some server issues in the last few days, but these should be resolved now. If anyone is still experiencing these issues, please reach out to me at

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The problem seems to have returned. The sensor has the right purple LED on and I can’t login into Password reset also doesn’t work. Error message seems to be 502.

I just checked and it works for me. Do you still have the problem?