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3.1.12 Open Metrics Value Incorrect

I have two I-9PSL monitors and they both updated their firmware from 3.1.9 to 3.1.12 overnight. After the update, now their open metrics endpoints are reporting incorrect values for CO2, VOCs, and VOx. Temperature and Humidity are still reporting correct values. I use prometheus to collect these metrics. The values on the actual monitor OLED screen is correct. I did power cycle the monitor.

Is this a known issue? Is there a way to roll back the firmware? I have the monitors connected to the AirGradient dashboard as well, and I guess auto firmware updates.

Thank you for your help!

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Thanks for reporting. We are looking into this.

You can downgrade by setting your firmware version in our dashboard.


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Thanks so much @Achim_AirGradient! I used the dashboard to roll back the firmware to 3.1.9 and I see open metrics data again.

The ability to use dashboard to rollback firmware is really great! I was worried I was going to have to do it manually with my computer. The dashboard made it really easy and I’m back to recording correct metrics.

I really appreciate your quick help!

Hi @joelika , thank you for reporting. This is indeed a problem on the open metrics endpoint in 3.1.12 firmware version, we will fix this on the next firmware release. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Same problem here. After the auto firmware update to version 3.1.12, the open metrics are constant values: CO2 = 2, tVOC = 3, NOx = 5 for several hours now.
I set the current firmware version to 3.1.9 from the web dashboard and restarted my device, so it pulled the downgraded version on boot.
The open metrics are OK now on the downgraded version. I’ll stay on current version for now and do the upgrades manually in future.

Same problem here while sending my log data to grafana. Downgraded to 3.1.9 and the problem is gone.

@joelika @Zzz @Quagis We just published a new version 3.1.13 that should address this issue. Could you please upgrade to that version and let us know if that fixes your problem.

You need to explicitly select it as the current default version is still 3.1.12

That was quick! :grin: I just set mine to 3.1.13, now waiting for the firmware to upgrade. I’ll provide some feedback shortly.

@Achim_AirGradient 3.1.13 is working fine and seems to have fixed the issue. All my readings are looking good and accurate in comparison to 3.1.9(right before the upgrade). Thanks so much!

Great, Thanks for confirming!

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didn’t write in the previous post, but i’ve downgraded to 3.1.9 and now only PM2.5 and PM1 are not zero. still low.

I’ve upgraded to 3.1.13 and it didn’t solve the problem, actually it sets all the particulate matters value to zero.
I was at 3.1.9 then it autoupdate itself to 3.1.12 because it was set to grab the latest (i’ll never set this again and choose manual version once we are sure that the upgrade won’t break anything).
I noticed right away that the values were too much low. i mean, just look at the picture:

so right now after upgrade to 3.1.12 and 3.1.13 particulate matter values are broken.

maybe CO2/VOC/NOx are fine, not sure at this point.

Hi @Air_Customer , thank you for reporting. For further investigation, can you please share here your monitor configurations? You can get it by accessing this url http://airgradient_{SERIAL NUMBER}.local/config

Please note, never send the serial number in public

Also another thing

  1. From your attached picture, there are peak in the graph. Is there any particular reason, perhaps from your environment that make that readings?
  2. Can you share at what date the graph is taken?

@Samuel_AirGradient thanks for the quick answer.

I’ve some updates of my situation.
First thing: i think i’ve maybe almost sorted out the problem but there are some little hiccups and i would like to have your opinion.
To wrap up, after i downgraded the version to 3.1.9 (as said) it was still 0 pm25 etc… so i dig a little bit to understand if my device was one of the batches that needs for a calibration. Since i’ve always had dicent values, once i’ve read your article about the faulty sensor, i thought i didn’t need to calibrate it. Well, after opening the device it came out that it is actually one of the guilty one (20231218). So i’ve upgraded to 3.1.13 and afterwards, i’ve calibrated as your docs/article suggested (i did it locally through a curl command and not via cloud but that is the same):

  "country": "TH",
  "pmStandard": "ugm3",
  "ledBarMode": "pm",
  "abcDays": 8,
  "tvocLearningOffset": 12,
  "noxLearningOffset": 12,
  "mqttBrokerUrl": "",
  "temperatureUnit": "c",
  "configurationControl": "local",
  "postDataToAirGradient": true,
  "ledBarBrightness": 7,
  "displayBrightness": 100,
  "offlineMode": false,
  "monitorDisplayCompensatedValues": true,
  "corrections": {
    "pm02": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "slr_PMS5003_20231218",
      "slr": {
        "intercept": 0,
        "scalingFactor": 0.03525,
        "useEpa2021": true

I’ll probably need to change the country but i think it’s the same.

In any case, after few minutes it started to grab more decent values. The graphs are like this atm:

The values seem to align dicently to each other and looking at the values i get on the internet they seem to correlate well.
The only problem i had was regarding the wireless connection, it went down a couple of times and in both case it reconnected. This never happened before.
I can see the boot value that is at 733 probably is fine since afaiu only with low values means it restarts.

From your attached picture, there are peak in the graph. Is there any particular reason, perhaps from your environment that make that readings?

regarding this: not a clue. my idea is that it restarted and then downloaded the new 3.1.13 version. Honestly, i hope it was not something really bad in the air! but i was around and i didn’t smell anything in particular.

Can you share at what date the graph is taken?

in the picture above you can see the date.

A quick question for you: since i didn’t calibrate the values, does that mean that until now i had wrong values? the problem is that i use to compare AirGradient values to the one i can see on the internet for my zone and they seemed to align.

Thanks again for the support.