Cannot connect to WiFi

I recently bought a DIY pro kit (pre soldered) and I have it together but I cannot get it to connect to my wifi network.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot this? I’m sure the SSID and password are correct, and it’s a 2.4Ghz network.

Thanks for your help.

Do you see your network listed in the WiFi Manager?
Like in this kind of screen:

Yes, I can see my network at the top of the list of the network manager

Can you send the router brand and model please?

ASUS RT-AX56U running firmware

There have been issues with Asus Routers if the ESP connects to Channels >12. There is apparently a setting in your router to avoid this.

You can read more here:

I was also having issues with my RT-AX3000 Asus router. It would disconnect constantly and sometimes go hours without reconnecting. Eventually it started never reconnecting at all and needing a power cycle. And eventually even power cycles didn’t fix it.

I tried pinning it to channel 3 and still didn’t seem to help. I finally open the access point landing page in my browser instead of the captive portal, and maybe coincidence, but it finally connected when I tried to save wifi info that way.

I now have it on a smart plug that power cycles several times a day to help make sure it stays connected

I read the thread on Asus routers but mine was using channel 6 and I tried 4 other channels with the same no connection result.

I appreciate the suggestions, unfortunately none have helped me and I can’t get the esp to connect at all to my wifi.

I’ve rebooted the router, tried different wifi channels, tried the pairing step with two different phone and even my laptop running two different OS’s. Firefox and Chrome, nothing seems to help and it won’t connect

Can you try and put your phone in hotspot mode and test if it connects with your phone.

Yeah I’m still only intermittently getting it to connect now. Sort of frustrating how flaky this is. I’m tempted to go in and update the firmware for it to repeatedly retry to connect instead of sitting permanently in offline mode until power cycle. But I’ve already spent so many hours on this.

One more quick data point: there are times it shows on the dashboard of my router as connected, but data isnt making it into Havent had time to look into this more but wanted to throw it out there

Please contact our support through our website. We will send you a new D1. Might be a faulty unit.

Support was quick and easy to send a new D1 and it arrived a couple weeks later. It failed to connect configuring wifi with the captive portal the first time, but connected and stayed connected for about 24 hours continuously after using chrome to configure wifi the second time. It did unfortunately stop transmitting data to the dashboard about 5 hours ago and no amount of restarts seems to get it to begin again. My router shows it connected but information is not showing up in airgradient dashboard.

Looking at the WiFiManager github which this firmware relies on, it seems to be poorly maintained and has 500+ open issues. I assume there is some outstanding issue amongst those that is contributing to this.

I am somewhat disappointed that my $100 device is relatively broken and unusable after so many hours of troubleshooting. I cannot recommend this product unfortunately. I don’t place blame on airgradient since it’s unclear what the ultimate issue is, but I would have hoped for something more maturely developed that wouldn’t have these issues.

Also in fairness, I am not the best at soldering, and it is possible there is a poor solder somewhere on my board that is contributing to this. I don’t know enough to evaluate the likelihood of that but I wanted to be fair in my information.

I’m having a similar problem with my new Open Air (but not my Pre-Soldered DIY Pro), discussed here: Issues with new DYI Pro Presoldered kit - #31 by jfitzell

It’s unlikely to be related because the Open Air uses a completely different ESP module.

I had the same issue now setting up my pre-soldered kit. I’m using an ASUS router but on Channel 1. I tried multiple times setting up from my phone and it never connected. Just now I set up again from my laptop (MacOS, Safari @ and it works now.

Just wanted to share my datapoint.