Airgradient rebooting itself?

Thanks @mascot1579 , this is interesting.

I am using the AirGradient PCB, so rewiring pins isn’t really an option (at least not without creating some frankenboard with random wires on top…). On top of that I’ve found out the hard way that the pixels I’m using aren’t happy on any pin other than RX/GPIO3.

Sounds like upgrading to ESP32 is the path of least resistance to fix the reboot issue. ESP8266 D1 mini and ESP32 C3 mini are the same cost, so assuming the C3 works (which I believe it will based on other forum posts (forum dot airgradient dot com /t/new-wemos-board/251/16 – incorrectly flagged as spam ) there isn’t much reason not to use the much more performant new hardware.

Thanks for the info. I’ve thought about removing captive_portal on mine once I have them setup, but api and ota are important for me since I use HomeAssistant and push updates regularly.

At one time I had tried removing nearly ever sensor and going with a pretty basic config and still saw them rebooting regularly, so I’m a bit at a loss overall.

I was also seeing regular reboots from the newer boards with ESP32-C3 chips soldered on, but then I disabled my 5Ghz wireless and it seemed to really help overall. That isn’t a long term solution for me, but an interesting data point.